I have been working on my bucket list for a year now but there is one thing I really want to do. Completing what our ancestors started in 1898. Bring full 1866 Treaty rights to the Black Indians of the Five Civilized tribes. (Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek and Seminole). Many of you know I have been working on this since 1985. It's take two step forward and push back one. We are gaining territory but this process has been a long and difficult task. As much as I love our President, he is of no help in our fight. It has taken me and others 5 years to educate Congress and every bill that has been introduced starts all over every two years because new people come into congress. I started an Educational Foundation and incorporated it in 2004. You can find information about it on my web sites. The resource site is http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ewyatt/_borders/index.html
and the Foundation site can be found at http://home.roadrunner.com/~fd5ct/
Most of you know I am Choctaw and Chickasaw. I have traced my roots to 1656 Actually I can get back to biblical days, I just never posted the documents to the resource site. I'm not going to go into great detail about the Foundation or my work with Congress you can read most of it on one of these two sites.
I use to travel the country doing lectures about Black Indians because our history books don't teach and/or have hidden much of our history. I remember a lecture I did in Chicago a few years ago, it was mostly on how to save our kids that we were losing to the streets. I was invited to this conference because of my teachings and views. Most don't really know why young black men and women too are so violent towards each other. I do, when taught (with proof) that they derive from Kings and Queens, when they know truly where they come from and don't accept the labels society tags them with. When they truly know that they are not descendants of slaves. When the know that this USA was originally called Guantanamo. When they know that our United States Constitution was drafted from the United Indian tribes of Guantanamo. You can find the name of these tribes on this link http://home.roadrunner.com/~fd5ct/known_black_indian_tribes.htm In other words give a people their true geneses and they will have a desire to respect their ancestors and each other.
My sons were raised knowing who they truly were (which has nothing to do with their Indian blood). They know their history. I am very proud to say neither has ever wore a number across their chest. Both have college degrees. Both know and respect a person for who they are not because of the color or lack of color of their skin. Neither have been affiliated with gangs. Both encourage our youth to stay in school (most of it was Rick and his motivational speaking, his hook was the yoyo that gave him a World Record, a Guinness Book Record, and a space in the Smithsonian) and his side kick with a great speaking voice his younger brother Edward (Eddie as I call him sings and was offered a record deal with his group "Ever so Clear" by LaFace (baby face)records, he was only 17 and I would not sign the contract. A decision he was not happy with but still today I know it was the right one, for all money is not good money). Today that smooth voice of his directs plans at Kansas City International airport. His two young children hears that Barry White voice with so much love to give. And all this is because they know the real history of their people.
As you might note from this long blog. I have two passions one has been accomplished..to raise two STRONG BLACK MEN. The other I hope to do in my life time. Bring real history to the world and GAIN THE FULL 1866 TREATY RIGHTS OF BLACK INDIANS.
Just some FYI for those interested in my research. The United states hid a lot of what I say here but if you research the Spanish records you will find all that I say true. The best documents I ever found were written be Hernando de Soto (c.1496/1497–1542) he died May 21, 1542 (aged 45 or 46) in Indian village of Guachoya (near present-day McArthur, Desha County, Arkansas). You might note these days were long before slavery began. In his Chronicles he describes the True Indigenous people of these United States and if you want to know what they really look like simply look in the closest mirror and not what Hollywood or the pictures of Native Americans you see today. I AM NOT NATIVE AMERICAN I AM INDIGENOUS TO THESE LANDS and so are most of you. I AM GYPSY OHOYO
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