This is kind of like day 3. I don't have anyone right now that I need to forgive for anything. I don't hold on to things that are negative for they only diminish me. Are there people who I feel/felt that did me wrong? Sure there has (more than I can remember in my 65 years here) But I forgave them already and unless something happens while I'm typing this I have to say there is NO ONE..
I could go into a Laundry list things that has happen over the course of my life but that is not the question nor is it any ones business, but my own. Also if I type it here means I have not turned it loose, which I have. For to sit here and try to remember it all is just a waste of energy and I don't waste energy. I remember telling Grasshopper just the other day, I look at life like I do the energizer bunny. We only get so much and I'm not going to waste any, for I might need it to fight for my life..You know when you are taking that last breath of life and you just run out of energy to keep fighting? Well I'm putting a lot in reserve cause when I need it most I want it to be there. I don't want my battery to come up short (die) when I really need it. So I say FORGIVE QUICKLY and let it go for it will only diminish your life.